Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Opening Context Paragraph for 'A Number'

Caryl Churchill's plays are known for dramatizing the abuses of power and; developing on Brecht's modernist, dramatic, and theatrical techniques; she explores sexual politics, feminist themes, and contemporary ethical conundrums, with her agenda consistently being that of a socio-political message. Churchill's aims to ensure the audience leave in debate of the issues raised , and those which are brought about in 'A Number' surround the consideration of the ethics of cloning at a time when this was in wider dispute. 'A Number' was written during the time when "Dolly the sheep" was cloned, and Churchill addressed (or rather visualised) some of the public's concerns by demonstrating the consequences should the line be crossed in this scientific advancement. She also comments on the harsh realities of the modern family unit, and the impact of faults in parenting; and highlights issues in the human condition, in that we are both progressive, and unwilling to change.


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